You are actually paying heavily for your procratination, though you are unaware of the same. Procratination costa you heavily. Hence folllow the 9-proven steps to combat procratination.
You are actually paying heavily for your procratination, though you are unaware of the same. Procratination costa you heavily. Hence folllow the 9-proven steps to combat procratination.
BY BIBEK ROY - CERTIFIED COACH ON EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FROM DR. DANIEL GOLEMAN EI COURSE (DGEIC) “By teaching people to tune in to their emotions with intelligence and to expand their circles of caring, we can transform organizations from the inside out and make a positive difference in our world” – Dr. Daniel Goleman Emotional […]
Resume / CV being most important part for landing in a dream job. If Resume/CV is not developed in a correct way, employer or recruiters will put it under the heap of resumes/CVs or to a waste bin. To help out thousands of aspirants in their professional field, I started this joouney to help out […]