Steam Turbine problems & solutions

Bibek Roy

By Bibek Roy

Chartered Engineer, Power plant expert, BEE Certified Energy auditor, CII Certified carbon Foot Print auditor, Lead auditor EHSMS & ISO 9001, Environmentalist

Are you facing following problems in your steam turbine?

  1. High exhaust steam temperature
  2. Hot well condensate high temperature
  3. Not achieving correct vacuum corresponding to turbine load
  4. Deteriorating condenser vacuum
  5. High Terminal Temperature Difference (TTD)

If any one or more of the above problems you are facing, please check immediately following:

  1. Colling tower outlet colling water temperature is correct?
  2. Side stream filters of cooling tower are functioning correctly?
  3. Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is between 0.6 to 1.2? This will give an idea of the internal condition of condenser tubes.
  4. Condenser colling water valves are in full open condition? – If necessary, carryout a flow measurement at inlet and outlet of the condenser.
  5. Are cooling water pumps having correct speed, input power parameters and correct discharge pressure? – If necessary, carry out flow measurement for each pump.
  6. Are cooling water pumps been overhauled on time?
  7. All air ingress points are blocked and being checked in regular intervals?
  8. Steam ejectors or vacuum pumps are working correctly?
  9. Have you done recommended servicing/overhauling for ejectors/Vacuum pumps?
  10. Is condenser online tube cleaning system in working condition? And there is no considerable ball loss from the system.

In my 36 years of experience in various Coal based & Gas based power plants, I have seen some practical failures due to non-availability of proper check list.

Even condersor outlet line's cooling water valve was found closed after approx 2 years of operation though valve actuator indication was showing OPEN!!

I hope this will helpyou to trace out the above problems and help you to HEAT RATE reduction and ENERGY INTENSITY reduction.

As we march forward towards reversal of GLOBAL WARMING, we have to use less and less fossil fuel consumption and to reduce HEAT RTAE and make ENERGY EFFICIENCY as the main pillar for energy reduction and COST REDUCTION.

Bibek Roy
An experienced power plant professional having more than 34 years of experience in India & abroad. Certified Lead auditor for QMS, EHSMS. Certifed Energy auditor from BEE. A trainer, coach and auditor. An evangelist for sustainability.


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