Bibek Roy

Madhu (Fictitious name, not real name) and I grew up together in our joint family.

Madhu is 5 years younger than me. He is my very close and closest relative.

But Madhu’s life was very turbulent, which I want to share with you.

This is a story from my real-life experience, only name of the character has been changed for the sake of anonymity.

It is a real life story- It is called Life Transformation Engineering

Madhu was a school going boy that time and was 12 years old, when he met with a severe accident. While coming back from school, he was knocked down by a taxi and taxi went over his right leg.

Situation was very serious and admitted to hospital. His leg’s bones were broken into pieces. Bleeding profoundly.

Doctor’s operated him immediately. Operation was for approx. 6 hours. But doctors refused to confirm whether he can be finally walking or not.

It was a very much anxious moment for all of us and can you imagine the trauma Madhu was going through at that moment ???? That cannot be explained by anybody except Madhu.

Months after months passed, and treatment was going on. Madhu had shown a remarkable ‘No defeat attitude” as he became normal two days after operation and always smiling.

When I met him in the hospital, he told me ‘Dada, I shall run one day”!! Can you believe how confident he was and painted a picture in his mind that he was healing and he was running.

Ultimately after 2 years I saw Madhu was running!! Unbelievable!!

What made him to fight the situation?

He refused to be in the hand of situation and went ahead with his mental picture in mind.

It is his attitude towards the situation.

That’s the power of IMAGINATION.

This was the first Tempest in Madhu’s life.

The second Tempest in Madhu's life.

Madhu continued and after completion of his study, he joined in a reputed Public sector company in India. He was doing a great job.

One day he told me that he was going to marry. My joy was boundless. I went even to see the girl and chatted long.

They married in his late 30s and became happy with one child later on.

After 5 years, suddenly Madhu called me and told that it is getting difficult to continue with his wife, as she is too much modern and not family centered.

My bell rang and I rushed to them. I talked to both of them for three days and tried my best to make them understand that separation is easy, but staying together is also equally easy and they must stay together.

However I understood that Madhu is introvert and family centered and hos wife was modern age woman. She used to mix socially and come to house very late, which had a repercussion on their child.

However, God had something else in mind.

One day I git call from Madhu that he had been arrested by Police upon FIR from his wife, which was baseless!! I shocked.

Case continued and finally landed in Divorce, which was most unwanted.

A couple of months after divorce, Madhu became normal and continued his life with same confidence.


The Third Tempest in Madhu's life

Life continued. And one day Madhu told me that he is going to marry again. I became very glad and one day I met both of them and wished them all the best.

After marriage in his late 30s, life was smooth and I was happy to see both of them.

After two years, one morning Madhu called me and told that his wife had been hospitalized and diagnosed as blood cancer!! I was shocked and spell bound.

I rushed to the hospital and talked to Madhu. Treatment went on but finally his wife passed away.

Madhu became alone again and with his mother.

However, within a month be came back firmly on rail and continued his life with smile.


Life continued for Madhu.

Meantime he applied and got immigration to one foreign country. He told me “Dada let me now see the world” – What an indomitable attitude!!

By that time, he was suffering from severe neck and spinal cord pain. Doctors diagonized this as Spondylitis and it will be difficult for him.

He had problem in his hip joints also.

But he finally migrated.

Once came back and got his hip joints operated and went back.

He now stays alone, working in a good company and he moves around the country.


Why I narrated this real-life story?

This story is a practical example how persons can deal any situation in life, if he has the right ‘Mental Picture” combined with “indomitable attitude”.


If you hold a right Mental picture firmly and day and night you hold the same, you are going to achieve the same and this is proven.

So don’t become in the hand of situation, as the response is fully yours!

Wishing you all the best.

I am Bibek Roy, I am a “Life Transformation Engineer”

Signing out from this blog!!

Bibek Roy
An experienced power plant professional having more than 34 years of experience in India & abroad. Certified Lead auditor for QMS, EHSMS. Certifed Energy auditor from BEE. A trainer, coach and auditor. An evangelist for sustainability.


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