Bibek Roy

I was at Hyderabad recently in July 2022.

One day while coming back from Ramachandrapuram at evening I could not find a cab because of severe rain at that time. Suddenly I saw one OLA cab arrived and passengers came out of the cab. Hoping to get that cab I asked the driver whether he can drop me to Ameerpet hotel, he agreed.

While travelling on my way back, I was keeping quite and was thinking on some of my next moves. After 5 minutes of the journey, driver started to interact with me by asking me from which place I have come and where I shall go next.

The discussion started and I have also shown interest in the discussion. I asked his name and replied with a smile RAMU (Actual name, not fictitious). The smile was very much infectious with a beaming face. I also asked him where he stays and how many years he is driving the cab etc etc.

He replied that the cab is owned by him and he is working hard to earn enough money since past eight years. But “It was a difficult time during COVID time as I lost all income suddenly” he replied.

“But I had HOPE and CONFIDENCE that one day COVID will disappear and I shall again start flourishing my business” Ramu told. Getting an interesting reply I asked him “How you have bounced back after COVID?”.

“Sir, I have FAITH on my SKILL and I have a complete PLAN” Ramu replied with complete confidence. I was getting more curious to talk to Ramu.

Ramu continued” Sir, I am an honest person and I drive my mental power from my HONESTY!!” – What a confident reply from Ramu!! He continued “Sir, I DREAM BIG!! I have a dream that within next 5 years i.s by 2027, I shall own a BMW car, not only for my wife and children but for me also. Because I want to enjoy my dreams in this life only”.

I was getting more curious and continued the discussion.

Ramu continued” Sir, I am eighth standard fail student and I could not continue my study because of my family problem. But that is not deterrent for me. When I pick up passengers, they discuss in English. I just keep open my ears only to catch and remembers the words and sentences”.

“When I go back home, in the same night I start uttering the same sentences over and over again by myself till I am satisfied that I could utter sentences in the same way” Ramu continued.

“And in the same way I started speaking English slowly with other passengers. And you know, when I started communicating in English, I started to get calls from more affluent customers”

What a strategy for self-development without coaching, I uttered. I was blown away by his self-developed strategy.

Ramu continued” Sir, I have set my GOALS VERY BIG as already I told you. I want to be crore-pati (Millionaire) by 2025. What is the problem in setting big goals sir? I need not to pay a single penny for this!!  But when I wake up morning 5 AM, I loudly repeat my GOALS, three times. And you will not believe since then my earning started growing continuously”.

EXCELLENT & BRILLIANT idea, I just told him with excitement.

I continued” Ramu the topics you are discussing are being taught by Management schools and by great motivators!!” – I exclaimed.

By that time, I have arrived at my destination.

While coming out of the cab, I told Ramu “The day you hit your BIG GOALS, please give me a ring. This will be my one of the best gifts I can expect.

Evening sets in and I said Good bye to Ramu.

Bibek Roy
An experienced power plant professional having more than 34 years of experience in India & abroad. Certified Lead auditor for QMS, EHSMS. Certifed Energy auditor from BEE. A trainer, coach and auditor. An evangelist for sustainability.


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